आधासीसी/बोखरु (Xanthium Strumarium)

Common Name : Common cocklebur Family : Asteraceae Habit : Annual herb. Stem : Stout and hairy, much branched, up to 1.5 m tall. Leaves : Leaves broadly triangular ovate or suborbicular, scarbid or hispid on both surfaces, apex acute, often 3-5 lobed, irregularly serrate, base some what cordate or shortly cuneate; petioles 2.5-7.5 cm long. Flowers : Flower heads monoecious, numerous, white or green, in terminal and axillary racemes; male heads in upper axils, globose; female heads in the lower axils, ovoid, covered with hooked bristles, ending in 2 strong hooked beaks. Fruits : Achenes 1.3 cm long, obovoid, compressed, enclosed in a hardened, spinescent involucre.

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