Alternanthera sessilis (Sessile joyweed)

Common Name : Sessile joyweed Family : Amaranthaceae Habit : A prostrate or procumbent, annual or perennial herb. Stem : The stems are generally prostrate, 0.2-1 m high, with strong creeping tap roots, often rooting at the nodes, sometimes floating, creeping or ascending at the tips, cylindrical and slightly hairy, with numerous erect branches. Leaves : Simple, opposite, shortly petiolate or sessile, broadly lanceolate or spatulate to almost linear, 0.6-5 cm long, and 0.3-1 cm wide. They are attenuated at the base, and the apex is acute to blunt, with entire, glabrous or pilose margins. Flowers : Flowers inconspicuous, white, borne in small, axillary, dense, sessile, silvery-white clusters of compressed spikes. Flowers inconspicuous, white, borne in small, axillary, dense, sessile, silvery-white clusters of compressed spikes. Fruits : Utricle cordiform and strongly compressed. Seeds : Dark-brown to black, disc-shaped and shiny, about 0.8-1 mm in diameter.

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